At Manggis (2)

Pura Silayukti


If you move to the east from Denpasar, after about two hours and passed Pura Goa Lawah, you will find a directions. The left towards Pura Andakasa while to right going towards the sea port of Padangbai. This temple is situated in the village of Padangbai, District Manggis, Karangasem regency, near the Port of Padangbai.

Brief History

Pura Silayukti is one of Pura Dang Kahyangan as a tribute to the Holy Master Mpu Kuturan. Pura Silayukti was 'pasraman' place for teachings Mpu Kuturan in the 11th century AD. Pura Kentel Gumi, Pura Dasar Gelgel and Pura Goa Lawah has an historical relationship that is said to have established by Mpu Kuturan.

Around the temple of Silayukti there are also three other temples named Pura  Tanjung Sari, Pura Telaga Mas, and Pura Payogan. Payogan temple which is located on the edge of the cliff face to the sea, was a place of meditation Mpu Kuturan. He taught how to set up a place of worship like Kahyangan Jagat in Bali. According to the story, that the Deva in the temple of Silayukti has a magical animal pet, octopus and a grand dragon.


Piodalan or pujawali in Pura Silayukti dan Telaga Mas falls in every Buda Kliwon wuku Pahang. While for Pura Tanjung Sari on Buda Kliwon wuku Matal according to balinese calendar.

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