At Besakih

Pura Gelap Besakih


Pura Gelap Besakih is located in the neighborhood of Pura Besakih. In that neighborhood there are at least 20 Pura Besakih complex.

The main shrine in Pura Gelap Besakih is Meru Tumpang Tiga, a three overlapping Meru as a medium for worshiping Deva Iswara as a manifestation of the God to protect of the eastward universe. Three Overlapping Meru is symbol of Tri Bhuwana of Bhur, Bhuwah and Swah Loka: lower world, middle world, and upper world. It means that Betara Iswara illuminate life in the Tri Bhuwana.


Piodalan at this temple fall on Soma Keliwon Wariga and 'Aci Pengenteg Jagat' on every Purnama sasih Karo according to balinese calendar. This is where the temple where people begged peaceful of mind and well-being in accordance with the purpose of Aci Pengenteg Jagat.

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