At Sukasada

Temple of  Yehketipat


If you drive from Denpasar to Singaraja through Bedugul, a while after passing the peak, you will find Pura Yeh Ketipat, at village of Yeh Ketipat, Sukasada distict Singaraja regency.

A Bit History

The trip Barak Panji and his followers from the Palace of Gelgel towards Den Bukit (North Bali) around the year of 1568 AD, after penetrating the jungle and cold weather, finally arriving at a place that is rather flat.

At the moment they release tired, pleading prayers for safety journey, and enjoy a traditional balinese food named ketipat. Sri Luh Pasek, mother of Ki Barak Panji, who participated in the group, then sprinkled tirta 'holy water' to the whole group for safety. To commemorate this trip, later on the place named  Yeh Ketipat.

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